BDO Sustainability

Sustainability is taking a centre stage for most organisations where business leaders, regulators, investors, and consumers are increasingly expecting organisations to demonstrate value creation not just from the perspective of traditional financial performance but also to taking into consideration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics.  With the recent shift in putting greater emphasis on sustainability, it is imperative for organisations to respond to the global call for change, businesses need to rethink their operations and purpose to integrate ESG into their corporate strategy and business decisions.

At BDO, we aim to view all our clients’ needs through the 'sustainability lens' to help build resilience and purpose so they are able to thrive now, and into the future.

How sustainable ready is your company? Are you interested in scaling up your organisation’s sustainability efforts? Take the Survey  Sustainability Readiness Tool


How BDO can help

  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Sustainability and Business Strategy Advisory
  • Integrated Reporting
  • ESG Strategy and Risk Management
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Training


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Roger Loo

Peng Siang, Roger Loo

Executive Director, Management Consulting
personView Bio