Participatory Strategic Development Workshop

Using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Materials and Methodology

Unlock your team's full potential with BDO Management Consulting's Participatory Strategic Development Workshop, using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® materials and methodology. This innovative and engaging workshop leverages the renowned LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology to foster creativity, enhance problem-solving skills, and drive strategic thinking. 

Using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology ensures inclusive participation, giving everyone a fair chance to speak without any biases. It emphasises the importance of understanding each other's viewpoints, promoting open communication, and appreciating different perspectives over competing to be right.

As a versatile and highly adaptable tool suited to a wide range of organisational tasks and challenges, the core strengths of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® lie in fostering an environment where participants are empowered to:

  • Engage in deep thinking and reflection
  • Actively contribute to the communication process
  • Listen to and appreciate diverse perspectives
  • Approach thinking and communication from fresh perspectives

Elevate your strategic development and experience a dynamic and hands-on workshop that transforms abstract concepts into tangible outcomes, ensuring your team is aligned and ready to tackle any challenge.

To find out more about the Participatory Strategic Development Workshop using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® materials and methodology, please complete the following form: 

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Trained facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials

Roger Loo

Peng Siang, Roger Loo

Executive Director, Management Consulting
personView Bio

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