XBRL Filing

Singapore incorporated companies are required to file financial statements with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), in XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) in accordance with the revised XBRL filing requirements, to enhance the dissemination of comprehensive and useful business information to the business community through the implementation of BizFinx. 

All companies that are required to file their Financial Statements (FS) with ACRA when filing their Annual Return (AR) must prepare their full set of FS in XBRL format using the XBRL templates provided by ACRA’s BizFinx Portal, in accordance with the Minimum Requirement List within the ACRA taxonomy.

It is the responsibility of the Companies and their directors to exercise due diligence in ensuring that the XBRL financial statements filed with ACRA are accurate and in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act.  

How can BDO support?    

Our team has been assisting companies in preparing XBRL FS since the inception of XBRL filing.  To-date, we have assisted close to 4,000  filings for our clients.  We are happy to say that our clients are very satisfied with our services.

Our dedicated team of professionals are trained and committed to deliver exceptional services to you. Here are some of the recent feedback from our clients:-

"As has been over the last couple of years - an absolute pleasure to work wit the team on submission. Totall professionals and wonderful service." 

"Thank you all so much for your help. Your team has been incredible in providing your service quickly and professionally. The team was very friendly and helpful and provided updates every step of the way. We will definitely be using  your service again for all our XBRL filing needs" 

"As I am working from our office in The Netherlands and I'm not aware of all "rules" in Singapore, it is very helpful for me to get prompt and efficient feedback from your team. We really appreciate your excellent service! Thank you!